This is Your Brain on Art

“You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again. You can also look at a picture for a second and think of it all your life.” Joan Miro While not everyone enjoys much or all types of art, most people at some point in their lives see a painting…

Marijuana… And The Munchies

Well known is the theory that smoking marijuana is associated with the urge to eat junk food…. also known as the “munchies”.  However, researchers have actually scientifically explored the relationship between cannabinoids and eating.   A synthetic cannaboid, dronabinol (Marinol), is now a commonly used medication to increase appetite in certain medical conditions where the…

Right, Left, Ambidextrous… Who Cares?

Each time I meet a new patient, I inquire whether they are right-handed, left-handed, or ambidextrous. Most patient’s answer without hesitation, however some patients are inquisitive why this would matter to me. Whether dealing with a brain or spine problem, handedness is crucial in evaluation, and then in determining a treatment plan. If the patient…

Game of Thrones… And Ruptured Aneurysms

The New Yorker recently published a segment by Emilia Clarke, better known as Daenerys Targaryen from The Game of Thrones. She detailed her experience with two aneurysms and two separate subarachnoid hemorrhages. It is well worth reading. Read below for Dr. Adam. P. Smith’s  perspective on cerebral aneurysms. Dr. Smith is a board certified neurosurgeon…