Scorpions Are Helping Treat Brain Cancer

While many have seen scorpions in movies and the harmful effects they have on humans, people are unaware of the fact that Deathstalker scorpions proteins can help treat brain cancer. Read the article below to find out more about this new discovery called Tozuleristide. Turns out that only 25 of the 1,500 known scorpion species…


Crani On the Brainy… Will I Ever Be the Same?

Inca’s were known to perform trepanations, however the exact purpose is unknown. Trepanation, or craniotomy, is the act of making a hole in the skull to reach the brain. Skulls from many ancient cultures, including the Inca’s, show evidence that these civilizations successfully trephined themselves. Its apparent the patients survived these procedures, although we can…


The American Healthcare Crisis

There is no question that America has a healthcare crisis. At the recent political debates, we have heard versions of Medicare-for-all plans. “People who have health care under Medicare-for-all will have no premiums, no deductibles, no co-payments, no out-of-pocket expenses. Yes, they will pay more in taxes, but less in health care for what they…


Happy Independence Day from RMBSI!

The team at Rocky Mountain Brain and Spine wants to wish you a Happy Independence Day! “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” – Elmer Davis As you celebrate your freedom with family and friends, be sure to remember our tips previously…
